Eating bread while losing weight, do or don't? Tip of the week 34

Eating bread while losing weight, do or don't? Do! Bread is not a fattener as long as you don't eat too much of it and as long as you put responsible toppings on it.
However, if you want to lose weight, it is better not to eat white bread. White bread contains very little dietary fibre and therefore contains little good carbs. So for digestion, white bread is not so beneficial as it can actually cause constipation (abdominal pain, constipation, bloating).
White bread (basic flour) does contain the same vitamins and minerals as brown and wholemeal bread , only brown bread (basic wheat flour) and wholemeal bread (basic wholemeal flour) contain much more of these vitamins and minerals because these vitamins and minerals are located precisely in the outer part of the wheat grain.
White bread is mainly made of flour, the finely ground middle part of the grain. So white bread is not so much unhealthy, but brown and wholemeal bread is healthier because it contains more fibre, which is therefore better for our digestion and 'satiety'.
So from white bread you often eat much more (extra calories) than brown or wholemeal bread, simply because it is less nourishing.
Toasted bread less calories?
If you still really prefer to eat white bread, try alternating more. For example, only two wholemeal sandwiches in the morning and three white ones in the afternoon. Or one white and one wholemeal in the morning and two white and one wholemeal in the afternoon. Or any other combination you like.
It is often a matter of getting used to it and after a few weeks you won't want anything else but brown or wholemeal bread.
If, for whatever reason, you don't want to or can't eat brown or wholemeal bread, do try to eat as high-fibre as possible in addition to this to avoid constipation and still give yourself a good satiated feeling that eliminates 'wrong' cravings in between meals.
Fibre is found in oatmeal, vegetables, fruit, wholemeal pasta, brown rice, legumes and nuts, among others. Fruit juices enriched with extra fibre are also available. Just make sure these do not contain too many sugars.
Oh yes.
It is a myth that toasted (white, brown or wholemeal) bread contains fewer calories than unroasted bread. Only some moisture is extracted from the sandwich during toasting.
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The above text previously appeared in the Balance book. The book is now sold out, but may still be available to order second-hand via the link below.
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