Free tarot reading; various online tarot card readings

Need a free tarot card reading? Right in these times of often being at home and being on your own, I can imagine that sometimes you could use some extra insights. For this reason, I would like to take this opportunity to revisit the free online tarot readings I have created for Catharinaweb.
The invisible world concerns a free tarot card reading that allows you to get answers related to a deceased loved one. By means of the cards you draw, your memories of this deceased person are automatically retrieved from your subconscious, allowing you to make an immediate connection with certain experiences or conversations you had with your deceased loved one.
It is quite possible that this may include the answer to your question. A look you caught unconsciously at the time, something your deceased loved one said between sentences while alive or trying to say what you have not consciously but unconsciously stored, anything is possible. Either way, it is worth a try!
The free tarot weight-loss card is ideal at a time like this when many people do not exercise much but find comfort mainly in good food and drink. Although some of the advice in these cards also relates to the gym, I am sure you can come up with an alternative in the form of an indoor activity with your own creativity.
For example, buy a set resistance bands, dumbbells or a fine exercise bike and follow fun and effective workouts on Youtube in your own living room! Or, of course, nice in the garden or on the field behind your house. How cool would it be if you came out of your quarantine period with a killer body!
The Gypsy Domino oracle I created specifically for online use offers both future predictions and insights. Although this is mainly spiritual entertainment, the messages of the stones can indeed open your eyes regarding your current situation.
For nothing goes the sun, but for the same money - that is, for free - you can also finely draw your own day-stone. Doesn't help...
The gypsy oracle involves a card reading with ordinary home and garden playing cards. In the distant past - before I learnt to work with the tarot - I started reading traditional playing cards. This knowledge later formed an ideal basis for learning the tarot.
Commissioned by Astro Media, I developed the online gypsy oracle based on the traditional card-laying art of ancient gypsy families who made their living doing this throughout history. Draw your free gypsy day card and chances are a puzzle piece will fall into place just like that.
Perhaps until then? :-)
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