How much do you want to lose weight? A healthy BMI!

How much do you want to lose weight? To determine how much you want to lose weight, it is wise to first calculate what a healthy weight is for someone of your height.
There is a handy calculator for this. Body mass index (BMI) calculation. The BMI indicates what a healthy weight is for your height.
The formula to calculate BMI is:
length x length = (result)
Then divide your weight by the result.
For the outcome, the table below applies:
Less than 20: You are too light for your height. You certainly don't need to lose more weight; on the contrary, you can feel free to gain some.
Between 20 and 25: You are at a healthy weight. You don't need to lose or gain weight. Try to stay at this weight.
Between 25 and 30: You are overweight but not yet at risk. If your blood pressure and cholesterol levels are fine and you don't have diabetes, you don't need to worry, but nevertheless, try to lose some weight. To be on the safe side.
More than 30: You are overweight with health risks! Try losing weight until you reach a weight where you are less at risk of getting sick!
(Note that these are guidelines! For example, someone who does a lot of weight training and has a lot of muscle mass can also have a BMI of 25. So here will be no be unhealthily overweight or too high in fat!)
Fortunately, calculating your BMI is a lot easier these days with the free online BMI calculator.
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