VIP Tarot

waar iedereen belangrijk is

  • Tarot live chat
  • Tarot live cam
  • Tarot e-mail consultation
  • Tarot video message
  • Tarot courses
  • Tarot workshops
  • Tarot shop
Services in Dutch & EnglishTranslation button at the bottom of this page

VIP Tarot

Nathalie Kriek

VIP Tarot

Welcome to VIP Tarot.


Yes indeed. Everyone is a Very Important Person.

And gets the attention he/she deserves here.


Naast het feit dat u hier mijn onverdeelde aandacht krijgt, besteed ik ook extra aandacht aan de readings die ik doe.

Zo beschik ik in ‘mijn kast met alle antwoorden’ over een enorme verzameling tarotkaarten uit binnen -en buitenland waardoor ik voor specifieke tarot leggingen altijd het gepaste (thema) tarotdeck voor handen heb.

buy tarot cards

The complete range of consultations, courses, workshops and other services can be found at the bottom of this page.

VIP Tarot News

The latest updates

VIP Tarot offer

Tarot consultations

Tarot consultations

Tarot consultations via WhatsApp, Zoom, Skype and email. Also: the tarot video message and the popular ten question.

Tarot courses

Tarot courses

Tarot courses or single tarot lessons for beginners, advanced, alone or in pairs.

Tarot workshops

Tarot workshops

Tarot workshops of all shapes and sizes, there is bound to be something to your liking.

Video message

Video message

Tarot video message, an original gift to give and to get.

Tarot shop

Tarot shop

Hundreds of tarot cards in alphabetical order with the option to order online. Need help or advice, I am happy to help.



Because I don't want to force anything on my clients, I never ask them for a review myself. If you do want to say something about me or my company, you can do so here. Thank you in advance for your trouble, it is much appreciated.

Yes, I want to give a review.
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