Tarot reading Friday the 13th
You can perform the tarot reading Friday the 13th with your own tarot cards but if you want to do it all in style it is Black Cat Tarot of the Crow Tarot highly recommended.
A great book to consult in this regard is: Tarot, rituals, fantasies, facts.
Method Friday the 13th tarot reading
With the Friday the 13th tarot reading, you can see what awaits you in the next thirteen weeks. Will you get lucky, unlucky or.... is something going to change completely?
- Sit with your cards in a place where the atmosphere is good, if necessary light a candle and/or incense if you feel comfortable.
- With eyes closed, shuffle the cards while focusing on the next 13 weeks.
- Spread the cards (blind) on the table.
- Open your eyes and choose five cards that 'jump out' for you.
Place the five cards on the table in front of you from left to right as if they were the doors in the corridor of a hotel.
- good luck
- bad luck
- changing luck (what should you change/improve yourself)
- wishing bone (which wish comes true)
and... find something in 'hotel room 13' (card 5) that you really need to get rid of as soon as possible.
Identify the cards intuitively or find the meanings on this website on or in a tarot book you like.
If you are interested in more interesting tarot laying patterns, I recommend the book: 365 tarot spreads
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