Spiritual entertainment

I am regularly asked if any BN-ers come to me for a consultation. And yes, they do. Besides teachers, therapists, doctors, lawyers, housewives, businessmen, jobseekers and all sorts of other people from all walks of life, BN-ers too sometimes ask me for help and advice. Sometimes they come to me, sometimes I go to them. Just as this is also the case with non-BN-ers.

Of course, I only mention here the names of those who have sought my advice in the spotlight. Those who come to me behind the scenes also stay behind the scenes.

Spiritual entertainment

Having said that, here are some names of BN-ers who have received a reading from me in front of the camera. Sometimes at my home, sometimes at their place and sometimes in the studio or at another location.



In this setting, I do not speak of a consultation, but of spiritual entertainment. Both for the viewer/reader and the BN-er in question himself.

Bastiaan Ragas joined me together with VROUW journalist Sabine Leenhouts for an extensive tarot session. Not only at the table did he dare to play his cards fairly openly; in his column he did it all over again!

Geraldine Kemper wondered if she made the right choice in buying her house in Amsterdam.

Chantal Janzen had a great time during her personal tarot consultation where she was keen to know what the new year would bring her.

Kim Querfurth and Fiona Hering were so enthusiastic about their joint tarot reading that they decided on the spot to come and take a tarot course themselves!

The Benchwarmers had many questions about their future and were given a tarot reading with - of course - the one and only 'Friends' tarot deck.

The boys from Super Gaande were somewhat sceptical at first but discovered after our conversation that they were more open to it than they thought.


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