Tarot monthly forecast
Every month you can do a tarot monthly prediction for yourself or someone else. Fun and interesting to see what awaits you in the next four weeks in the areas of love, friendship, finances., work, well-being and personal development.
Nice tarot cards to do the monthly reading with include the Everyday Witch Tarot
and/or The Everyday Enchanted Tarot.
A great book to consult in this regard is: Tarot, rituals, fantasies, facts.
Working method tarot month prediction:
- Sit with your cards in a place where the atmosphere is good, if necessary light a candle and/or incense if you feel comfortable.
- With eyes closed, shuffle the cards while focusing on the month ahead.
- Spread the cards (blind) on the table.
- Open your eyes and choose six cards that 'stand out' for you.
Put the six cards in front of you on the table. These cards represent in this order:
- Love
- Friendship
- Finance
- Work
- Welfare
- Personal development
Identify the cards intuitively or find the meanings on this website on or in a tarot book you like.
If you are interested in more interesting tarot laying patterns, I recommend the book: 365 tarot spreads
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