Business horoscope
Voorheen was het mogelijk om bij mij een bedrijfshoroscoop te laten maken. Wegens de enorme drukte in verband met mijn overige werkzaamheden is dit helaas niet meer mogelijk.
Voor degenen die zich zelf met astrologie bezighouden leg ik op deze pagina uit hoe u zelf de bedrijfsastrologie kunt duiden.
Meer informatie over de bedrijfshoroscoop vindt u onder de afbeelding. Een handige hulp tijdens de duiding van uw eigen horoscoop is het boek: Spelen met astrologie.
In het boek staan beschrijvingen die u gemakkelijk op een zakelijke manier kunt interpreteren.
Corporate horoscope explanation
Als geboortedatum neemt u de dag en het tijdstip van inschrijving bij de Kamer van Koophandel of de dag dat u officieel uw deuren opende. Indien er sprake is van een fusie of overname gaat u uit van de datum en het tijdstip dat dit gebeurde. Dit is als het ware de ‘geboorte’ van uw bedrijf.
House 1
The First House shows what is important to convey to the outside world. What does your company stand for? What is your motto? What do you want to be known for?
House 2
The Second House reveals the financial situation with an eye on income and expenditure. Is everything in balance? Where can setbacks be expected and where prosperity? And... what can you do yourself to keep everything (back) on track?
House 3
The Third House shows what needs more organisation and what you need to find out more about. What can you learn yourself and what information can you disseminate to others? What do you need to pay attention to with regard to communication?
House 4
The Fourth House stands for the business itself. The office, your practice, study or the visiting address where you often stay. What is the atmosphere here and what might deserve some extra attention?
House 5
The Fifth House stands for sports, games, relaxation and entertainment. What is your company's speciality in this area and how can you please your target audience, with which do you earn respect, prestige and... the not unimportant gun factor?
House 6
The Sixth House reflects the health of your business. What does your business need to stay 'fit'? What do you need for this, what can you do fine without and what do you need to get rid of immediately? Are the working conditions OK, is it clean and fresh and does everything work as it should? Are defects to be expected?
House 7
The Seventh House is all about partnerships. How is your business network doing, how is cooperation between you and any employees, between you and your clients and between employees themselves? What is going well and what needs improvement?
House 8
The Eighth House reveals where further investigation is needed within the company. What is going on within your company that cannot bear the light of day or where is a still unseen outside threat? What deserves in-depth investigation and what would benefit from an overall transformation?
House 9
The Ninth House contains information on any international contacts, travel or study that could take you further. Are you the highly educated professional or do you need one? It is also not uncommon to find information on advocacy or jurisprudence. With regard to ethical matters, where can you broaden your horizons, literally or figuratively? What is moral?
House 10
The Tenth House shows your company's position in society. What is important to focus yourself on here or emphasise outwardly. What have you already achieved and what can you still achieve? What are you or your company known for and is this top of mind or is this something you should not want?
House 11
The Eleventh House in the business horoscope represents groups of people, for example your social network, associates, the works council, in short: anything characterised by mutual equality. Who do you need, who do you feel good with, who can you trust and with whom would you like to exchange new ideas?
House 12
The Twelfth House is the House of retreat, silence, stillness and self-reflection, but also of secrets. What is hidden from you and what are you not allowed to talk about yourself? As an entrepreneur, what do you need to think about carefully and what needs maturation? What is better to keep behind the scenes or under wraps?
Planets and Households:
Both the placement of the planets in the Houses and the location of the ruling planets of the Houses give clear indications of what is going on within your company or what can be expected.
Aspects of the horoscope:
The way the planets connect gives a lot of additional information about your business.
Of course, it is also possible to have a company annual horoscope that makes it clear at a glance what you can expect on the business front in the coming year.
Using a year horoscope, besides some predictions, you can especially chart how your business will develop from within. Which themes deserve more attention this year, how will things affect the business, what are the highs and lows and how will they affect your business?
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