Donald Trump president of America

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A tarotist-astrologer, Nathalie Kriek couldn't resist 'laying a card' for the US elections, whose surprising results are now known. Read below how precisely she predicted it!


Hillary is tired. She seems less and less able to cope and suffers immensely from the negativity being poured on her. Probably the final blow will follow today, Trump has another ace up his sleeve that will upset Clinton considerably.

Nevertheless, she expects a good development at the last minute, a new opportunity with which she can win back the trust of a large section of the population after the email affair and all the speculation about her alleged drinking problem, drug use and insincerity.

Yet it won't be enough. Hillary is increasingly unable to hold her own and completely unexpectedly it will all be too much for her anyway. She is in danger of collapsing. Even a forced rest or hospitalisation is not inconceivable. A combination of her own doubts, stress and illness seems to be slowly but surely getting her down. She radiates this to the people, causing voters to trust her less and less. Americans want a strong leader.

In the end, it will turn out that the presidency is too high for Hillary. Even if she were to emerge victorious from this battle, which I don't think will happen, she will eventually choose eggs for her money. Economising on her time and energy will have to ensure that she gets back on top. In time, she will take up another position. Not that of the first female US president.


Donald Trump seems worried at the moment. Although he does not show this, the uncertainty is eating away at him. Things could still go either way. He is also troubled by the fact that he has made certain statements he cannot keep. Some promises he has made, he simply cannot keep. He is already preparing how he will bring this out, should he actually win this election. And that chance is high. Bigger than anyone thinks.

Yet, there will be a completely unexpected event that will cause Trump to have the presidency just thrown into his lap, so to speak, after all the nerve-wracking months. Chances are that this has to do with the health of Hillary Clinton, who cares far more about certain accusations and accusations than she lets on.

As a result, though, he will have to adopt more appropriate behaviour, adjust his attitude and justify various past statements to remain credible. This will go surprisingly well for him. When Trump is elected, the world will be amazed. Trump will turn over like a leaf on a tree. A completely different person will become visible. The arrogant mask will come off. He will adopt a much more moderate attitude than we are used to from him.


Based on what I read in their pictures plus the tarot images I have involved on both candidates, I predict that Donald Trump will be elected as the new president of the United States.

Of course, general predictions are always based on amusement and entertainment and, for this reason, remain mostly guesses. Nevertheless, I have done my best to use my people skills, judgement and experience as a tarotist as much as possible during this reading. And should I be wrong, at least I have tried....

Source: WOMAN



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