Eating before and after exercise and about working out on an empty stomach. Tip of the week 28.

Eating before and after exercise and about working out on an empty stomach. Indeed, it is a common question: what about exercising before and after meals? And on an empty stomach?
When losing weight and building muscle, it is very important to know what is best to eat before and after exercising and to learn why working out on an empty stomach is far from pleasant.
Eating before exercise
It is not good to eat right before exercise anyway. Your body is still so busy digesting immediately after a meal that you will not perform as well during exercise. Moreover, training with a full stomach is very unpleasant; it can cause complaints such as stomach/intestinal cramps, heartburn, nausea, obstructive gas production, side pain or diarrhoea.
It is best to eat something easily digestible, low-fat but high-carbohydrate such as wholemeal bread with low-fat toppings or potatoes or wholemeal pasta with vegetables and lean meat two to three hours before your workout.
By the time you exercise, the food has been digested and your body can provide you with enough energy for your workout again.
Training on an empty stomach
But then, working out on an empty stomach? No. Exercising on an empty stomach is not good either. A car does not run without fuel, a human being does not function without energy. If you start exercising without eating beforehand, you can count on nausea, dizziness or even fainting! This has everything to do with the drop in your blood sugar levels.
Besides, training on an empty stomach is not conducive to your muscle growth. On the contrary. Working out on an empty stomach actually at the expense of your muscles. Something you just don't want if you want to lose weight.
Eating after exercise
Immediately after exercising, your body is still burning fat so it is better to wait half an hour before eating. However, don't wait too long either!
Again, eat low-fat but high-protein food after training. You can supplement this with some good carbohydrates if necessary. For example, have low-fat yoghurt plus a handful of nuts, chicken breast with brown rice and vegetables, scrambled eggs with rocket in a whole-wheat wrap, etc.
The carbohydrates before your workout give you energy, the proteins after will repair your muscles and help build them. And that's what you want!
For those who want to slow down: a walk after dinner can certainly do no harm and ensures that the calories just consumed do not convert into fat (storage). Moreover, it is relaxing and a walk after dinner promotes a good night's sleep: also not unimportant!
Protein shake
Personally, I like to have a protein shake immediately after a hard workout for muscle recovery. I often make these fresh from Greek yoghurt, milk, a little oatmeal and fresh fruit, but if I'm short on time (or don't feel like it...) I'm just as happy drinking a ready-made one.
THIS suits me super well. As I like variety, I always order a box of bags in different flavours, but it is also possible to buy one big bag of protein powder in one FAVORITE FLAVOR
This week you may also weigh yourself! Click >HERE for handy weighing and measuring tips.
The above text previously appeared in the Balance book. The book is now sold out, but may still be available to order second-hand via the link below.
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