Healthy desserts and responsible desserts, tip of the week 37

Healthy desserts and responsible desserts, it sounds almost too good to be true. Or is it? We often find it cosy to have dessert after dinner, but...what is a responsible dessert?
People often opt for yoghurt or custard after meals, but actually these dairy products (> calcium) actually cause the iron contained in meat is actually more difficult to absorb into the blood as a result.
In this respect, it is better to opt for a bowl of black or red (bunch) berries, an orange or kiwi. These fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, and vitamin C actually promotes the absorption of iron in the blood.
A bowl of strawberries, a bunch of grapes, a slice of pineapple, pieces of pear, a slice of melon or a small (mixed) fruit salad are also examples of responsible desserts.
Just make sure that if you use canned fruit, you do not consume the syrup in the process. Often the juice of canned fruit is full of sugars (unless the jar or can is marked as containing no added sugars and the fruit is kept in its own juice). In addition, canned fruit often contains half as much vitamin C as the fresh variety.
If you still prefer to eat something of dairy after a meal, wait half an hour to an hour after eating and choose, for example, low-fat yoghurt, low-fat custard or cottage cheese and count this as your last responsible snack for that day.
If you do have an uncontrollable craving for ice cream, choose a scoop (or two) of yoghurt ice cream, fruit ice cream or vanilla (light) ice cream, but preferably not ice cream!
Ice cream and pre-packaged chocolate ice cream are true 'fatteners' and are thus better avoided (except on 'junk day, then it's okay for once).
A water ice cream is also a responsible dessert and especially delicious in summer.
This week you may also weigh yourself! Click >HERE for handy weighing and measuring tips.
The above text previously appeared in the Balance book. The book is now sold out, but may still be available to order second-hand via the link below.
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