Lose weight, fryer out airfryer in? Mwah... Tip of the week 11

Lose weight with the deep fryer or the airfryer? Should the deep fryer go out the door? Or can the Airfryer rock the boat? 'Deep-frying is unhealthy' is a common statement, but is this really true? It depends on what you deep-fry and what oil you fry in.
Solid frying fat contains many saturated fatty acids that adversely affect cholesterol levels, which is why liquid frying fat is always recommended anyway. Sunflower oil is also fine for this purpose, olive oil a little less.
Liquid fats contain many unsaturated fatty acids that have a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels. Nevertheless, oil remains a high-calorie product even when liquid.
The occasional fries, a potato croquette or some potato slices fried in oil for dinner or a Vietnamese spring roll to go with your fried rice certainly can't hurt, after all, our bodies need fats too!
As a glutton, however, you have to be strong in order not to snack in front of the TV in the evening. With a deep-fat fryer in the cupboard and a freezer full of croquettes, flambeaus, frikandells and noodles, it can be hard to resist a fatty appetite.
A bitterball easily contains 35 calories, a flame 60 calories, a frikandel 125 calories and a bami-hap 230 calories! Not a disaster for once, but three times a week? Count your winnings...
Furthermore, it does not matter whether you eat fresh fries and frozen fries. They contain the same amount of calories:
- with mayonnaise about 800 Kc per serving.
- without mayonnaise about 500 Kc per serving.
Use the deep fryer only occasionally for lunch or dinner (e.g. combined with fish or lean meat and salad) and not for snacks in between, which will quickly become a habit.
In addition, it is of course very important that you always deep-fry in clean oil! After every deep-frying, you should actually strain or replace the oil. There are always leftovers in the pan after frying. These become black crusts when fried again and again, which is very unhealthy!
Moreover, fries fried in old fat not only taste less good but are also fattier and using the same oil over and over again is not healthy either.
Constant heating and cooling accelerates the breakdown of fat, releasing harmful substances.
Lose weight, goodbye fryer hello airfryer?
Another option is the Airfryer! For this, you do not need grease or oil to fry with and it is a lot easier to clean.
The Airfryer acts as a mini hot air oven for which not all deep-frying snacks are suitable. However, croquettes, croquette balls, cheese souffles and the like are available in special Airfryer editions and these also just get crispy well!
Side note: The Airfryer may make food less greasy, but unfortunately not healthier!
Whereas snacks in the deep fryer have to swim in the fat for a longer time to become crispy, the Airfryer sears them instantly, creating a crispy crust in a short time.
However, this quick way of baking does release harmful substances called AGEs.
These cause you to age faster and thus are more likely to develop Diabetes 2, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's and even cancer.
Still want to buy an Airfryer? You can >HERE
Good fryers can be found >HERE
This week you may also weigh yourself! Click >HERE for handy weighing and measuring tips.
The above text previously appeared in the Balance book. The book is now sold out, but may still be available to order second-hand via the link below.
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