This is what you spread on your bread if you want to lose weight. Tip of the week 30

This is what you spread on your bread if you want to lose weight: handy tips for week 30. In fact, what you eat on your sandwich is very important in whether or not you reach and maintain your ideal weight.
In the feeding schedule you can see what responsible sandwich fillings are, but of course it is very understandable if you also fancy a sandwich with nice thickly spread peanut butter or chocolate spread once in a while.
Wise to reserve these treats for your personal junk day, but if you still have an uncontrollable craving for a sweet sandwich between meals, spread the sandwiches very lightly with the wrong carbohydrates so that the damage is limited.
It is a shame when you try so hard to eat healthy and 'slim' and then this is undone by regularly eating the wrong spreads. Occasionally, of course, is fine, but don't spread too much.
I myself sometimes spread 'wrong' sandwich fillings thinly over one slice of bread and then put another slice on top so that the filling is spread thinly over two slices of bread. That's fine from time to time.
When you order a sandwich somewhere, check how many sandwich fillings are on it. You are often spoiled with a sandwich topped with three slices of (often fatty) cheese or cold meat. Nice though, but in principle one slice is enough!
On junk day, you need to be a little less strict, but if you regularly eat a sandwich outside the door, try to be a little mindful of this and, if necessary, ask while ordering if only one slice of sandwich filling can be put on it so that you are not tempted to eat it anyway.
Best to avoid all types of sausages (>fat) outside your junk day, (ox sausage is allowed occasionally). It is also best to avoid: pâté, young cheese, old cheese and (cream) brie.
Smoked meat is lean, but again contains a lot of salt and liver is high in iron, but unfortunately also high in cholesterol so eat this in moderation as well.
Also try spreading some low-fat cottage cheese on your sandwich or sandwich spread (available in several flavours). A slice of salmon with or without iceberg lettuce is also delicious. Variety is and always will be good, even on your bread!
Examples of suitable sandwich fillings when losing weight
- Thin layer of low-fat margarine
- Fricandeau
- Roast beef
- Beef smoked meat
- Lean ham
- Casselerib
- Liver (not too often, but it is a good source of iron)
- Low-fat cheese (with mustard)
- Boiled egg
- Tomato
- Chicken breast
- Sandwich spread
- Apple syrup
- Thin layer of hazelnut spread
- Boiled egg
Or something more creative:
- Fried egg with rocket and mushrooms with two slices of toasted wholemeal bread
- Nicely seasoned scrambled eggs (pepper, basil, chives, paprika, curry, parsley) with mushrooms, cherry tomatoes
- Stuffed whole-wheat wrap (many options possible!)
- Whole-wheat sandwich with cheddarcheese (or other low-fat cheese), lean ham and jalapenos
This week you may also weigh yourself! Click >HERE for handy weighing and measuring tips.
The above text previously appeared in the Balance book. The book is now sold out, but may still be available to order second-hand via the link below.
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